Karen GregoryDEVELOPING PATIENCEPatience… one of the most important skills you can develop in leadership. Because we live in this world of instant gratification and...
Karen GregoryCUSTOMER LOYALTY IS THE GOALIt takes twelve positive interactions to make up for one bad customer service experience. Twelve? In our world of instant gratification...
Karen GregoryDEVELOPING SELF-CONFIDENCEThere are times when we all struggle with self-confidence. We don’t fully trust our abilities. Whether it’s the first day on the job,...
Karen GregoryASSISTANTleadershipAssistant Manager. Assistant Director. Assistant Vice President. Assistant Coach. Assistant Chief. Even Deputy Director. Deputy...
Karen GregoryEXAMPLE ONE OR EXAMPLE TWOFor anyone who questions the effects leadership has on the team, the organization, and the people your organization serves let me assure...
Karen GregoryACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDSIt really doesn’t matter how old you are, you’ve heard this famous cliché: actions speak louder than words. I can confidently say I’ve...
Karen GregoryA SMOOTH SEAA SMOOTH SEA NEVER MADE A SKILLED SAILOR If you are in leadership you would probably agree the best days are when everything goes as...