Ian GregoryTHE TRUTH ABOUT LEADERSHIPUnderneath all the glitz and glamour of being in charge lies the secret to great leadership. It’s work! Wait, WHAT? “I thought once you...
Ian GregoryIS TRAINING WORTH IT?You need leadership training and your organization needs leadership training as well. I say that because I want to save your...
Karen GregoryFROM FRIENDSHIPS TO LEADERSHIPIt’s bound to happen. How couldn’t it? You spend up to 8 hours a day at work with other people. You’re bound to make friendships. Some...
Karen GregoryWHY EMPLOYEES LEAVEEmployee Turnover & Employee Retention & Recognition: a three part series Last month we talked about Employee Turnover and the high costs...
Karen GregorySTOP THE BLAME GAME!One of the hottest topics in our programs is millennials. We are constantly asked how to deal with them. They are the most complained...
Karen GregorySELF-REFLECTION... and a commitment to self-improvement A few months ago, we were in another town and wanted to learn more about the demographics of the...
Karen GregoryEXAMPLE ONE OR EXAMPLE TWOFor anyone who questions the effects leadership has on the team, the organization, and the people your organization serves let me assure...
Karen GregoryACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDSIt really doesn’t matter how old you are, you’ve heard this famous cliché: actions speak louder than words. I can confidently say I’ve...
Karen GregoryA SMOOTH SEAA SMOOTH SEA NEVER MADE A SKILLED SAILOR If you are in leadership you would probably agree the best days are when everything goes as...